Despite four New Zealand regions experiencing a year’s worth of rain in the first six months of 2023, some areas are likely to experience water shortages over the summer months. Gardeners face the challenge of preserving the health and beauty of lawns and garden beds; however, with a proactive approach and a handful of EverEdge’s strategic measures, you can ensure the garden not only survives, but thrives in the face of a potentially long and dry summer.
Installing Everedge metal landscape edging stylishly defines garden zones, pathways, garden beds and lawns, but it delivers more than a cohesive aesthetic appeal. Garden edging benefits the garden’s health, even during periods of high temperatures and water shortages. Here are three ways you can help protect your garden during summer:
When it comes to conserving moisture and protecting your garden beds, bark mulch is a game-changer. Where water scarcity is a concern, incorporating bark mulch into your garden significantly helps water retention. Not only does it reduce water evaporation, but it also minimises water runoff. Consider a 2-inch layer of bark mulch for your plant beds to reap additional benefits, including weed control and protection against future winter frosts.
Trees also benefit from mulch as it duplicates the conditions of a forest floor, improving root system and tree health. Care must be taken to keep it away from the trunk to avoid it softening the wood making it vulnerable to disease and infection. Install garden bed edging or a metal tree ring to effortlessly keep the mulch in situ.
As water scarcity becomes a challenge, adjusting your watering practices is crucial. Installing a water butt to harvest rainwater and recycling household grey water, sourced from baths, sinks, washing machines, and dishwashers, further boosts water-saving efforts, ensuring a reliable water supply during drier spells. Landscape edging promotes a more sustainable and water-efficient garden by preventing soil erosion and runoff, metal edging helps retain moisture in the soil, reducing the need for excessive watering.
Avoid watering the lawn and garden during the heat of the day when it will evaporate much quicker. Instead, try to water in the cool of the evening or the very early morning – morning is preferable as it gives the plant time to dry before sundown.
Weeds not only compete with plants for essential nutrients but moisture too. During the growing season manual weeding is a necessity to eliminate these water-draining intruders so your plants and shrubs have the greatest opportunity to thrive. Garden edging creates a physical barrier that prevents unwanted grasses and plants from spreading onto lawns or garden beds – the ideal solution for those wishing for a lower maintenance garden design.
In the face of a changing climate and increased water scarcity, adopting water-saving practices is crucial for maintaining a lush and vibrant garden. By implementing these expert tips, you can create an environmentally conscious and resilient outdoor space. If you would like to learn more about Everedge NZ’s metal landscape edging, or wish to discuss a project, call us today on 021 925 389 or email